entries open until July 31
showcase your visionary projects
OPEN CALL for architects
Metaverse Architecture Biennale
By hosting an open call for architects, we aim to encourage global talent to contribute their visionary designs to this growing industry, regardless of previous Metaverse design experience. The open-call is free to enter for individuals, groups and studios and requires only advanced 3D-modelling skills.

The open call is organised in two stages, challenging creators to submit their concept and visualisation aligned with the biennale's theme, "Presence of the Future." The best projects, selected by a panel of experts in Web 3 and design, will receive assistance from the organising team to bring their ideas to life on the Biennale's metaverse platforms.

Don't miss this historic opportunity to showcase your visionary ideas at the largest metaverse architecture event!
The first Metaverse Architecture Biennale, held from September 21-24, is a global online event that brings together top creators from around the world to showcase the significance of architecture and design in the Metaverse. Decentraland and W3rlds, two leading metaverse platforms, will feature innovative projects and ideas, attracting design professionals, Web 3 enthusiasts, and individuals interested in cultural and technological trends.

Titled 'Presence of the Future' and drawing inspiration from renowned exhibitions like the Venice Architecture Biennale and Expos, this immersive online event will present pavilions designed by prominent meta-architects, creating a vast expo-like space and detailed virtual worlds for visitors to explore.
Become the leader of the new meta-architecture industry
Architects are at the forefront of shaping the Metaverse, a transformative virtual realm that is changing the way we live, work, and interact. As technology evolves and the Metaverse becomes more popular, architects have a crucial role in defining its aesthetics, functionality, and user experience. The Metaverse Architecture Biennale provides a platform for architects to exchange ideas and drive positive development in this exciting new frontier. Let's harness our expertise and creativity to shape a metaverse that aligns with our values and enhances the lives of its users. Join us in shaping the future of the Metaverse.
As graphic designers created the internet we use today, architects and designers would create the Metaverse!
Our vision
The Site and Context
We firmly believe in the concept of a unified, decentralized Metaverse that brings together platforms, technologies, and communities. To emphasize this vision, we have decided to host the event simultaneously on two metaverse platforms: Decentraland and W3rlds. In Decentraland, a vibrant plaza neighborhood will serve as an expo-like site, featuring over 30 architectural pavilions that explore the theme of the biennale, "Presence of the Future." From there, visitors can teleport to separate worlds on the W3rlds platform, where they can explore even more expansive and awe-inspiring spaces.

Among the 30 participants, approximately 15 renowned architectural studios have been invited by the curators to pioneer virtual architecture. These studios include Soomeen Hahm, Killa Design, ATRIUM, PLP, Mariana Cabugueira, SA Lab, LAVA, Iheartblob, and others (visit the main page for the full list).

Through our open call, we will select 15 additional creators who will have the opportunity to exhibit their work alongside the invited architects on both platforms. This will position them as leading meta-architects, showcasing their designs to an audience of 50,000 visitors.

'Presence of the future' manifesto
Exposition of the first Venice Architecture Biennale curated by Paolo Portoghesi
Plan of Giardini in Venice, where the Biennale pavilions are located.
The title "Presence of the Future" was chosen for the first Metaverse Architecture Biennale not just because it reflects our current situation but also because it pays homage to the first Venice Architecture Biennale, which was named "Presence of the Past." The 1980 Biennale, directed by Paolo Portoghesi, was a significant global event that brought together renowned architects such as Gehry, Hollein, Koolhaas, Venturi, Scott Brown, and Rossi. Their presentations and essays celebrated postmodernism as the dominant architectural style at the time. Today, our worldview and design tools have evolved, with digital technology being the primary medium for creating a new language and culture. Postmodernism has been replaced by a new term called Metamodernism, although its meaning is still subject to interpretation.
The "Presence of the Future" exhibit aims to showcase architecture's ability to reshape modern life in virtual spaces. As we witness new modes of communication and collaboration, we urge designers and architects to envision and shape our future. This exhibit brings architecture's life-changing power to the metaverse, setting a positive direction for its development.
Deployment to the Biennale site
If all of the requirements are met, finalised projects selected through the open-call would be deployed by the organizers to the Biennale and would be exhibited among selected architects.

The rights for the pavilions and worlds created for the Biennale would fully belong to their creators. By participating in the open-call the creators would agree on showing their pavilions on Decentraland platform by the end of September 2023 and on W3rlds platform by the end of November 2023.
20 selected finalists would be given instructions on how to adopt their designs to Biennale and metaverse platforms requirements. With guidance from the organisers they would produce two projects for Decentraland and W3rlds platforms following the same rules as architects invited by the curators. (GLB or FBX files with textures and polygons optimised for platforms, read the full list of technical requirements). Decentraland pavilion site is 32 m in diameter and 16 m high. W3rlds world is almost unlimited in space, however the size should not be bigger than a football pitch.

The quality of final models would be checked by the technical team and organisers. They can decline submitted projects if they do not have the necessary technical qualities to participate in the event or are lacking necessary level. It is expected that at least 15 out of 20 designers would be able to showcase their projects on the Biennale, however this number can be increased or decreased depending on the organisers decision, that would be reasonably communicated to the creators participating in the open-call.
2st stage: finalists projects realisation
The jury would rate all projects by several criteria, such as:
Originality of concept (1-6)
Formal / spatial complexity (1-6)
Atmosphere: use of light, textures, landscape (1-6)

20 architects would be selected to create projects for two metaverse platforms based on their submitted designs.
Short list selection

Organizers would create a long-list selecting only the applications meeting technical requirements. Long list would be available only to jury members.
Long-list selection

Send three to five visualizations of your 3D-modelled architectural pavilion reflecting the theme of the Biennale "Presence of the Future" (at least one image should be exterior showing the whole geometry) and a 200-500 word description of your concept with a title. The function of the space is not limited, it could be an event hall, showroom, maze etc. The minimum scale of the space is 20x20x17 m and maximum is 50x50x50 m, not including the surrounding environment. Consider that the ergonomics of virtual architecture is similar to the physical world. Hand drawings, collages and ai-generated images would not be accepted.
1st stage: open call for submissions
Open-Call Task and Selection Process
Awards Announcement and Celebration Party
The list of selected through the open call creators would be announced on the official website of the event www.metaversearchbiennale.com and in social media prior to the event.
Creators would receive a chance to exhibit among the biggest names in the metaverse architecture and would be invited to participate in public and VIP events. Results of the open call would be promoted through media partners.

15-31 of July
6 of August
7-30 of August
31 of August
21-24 of September
Stage 2 production period
submissions to the open call open
winners of the Stage 1 announced
winners of the open call announced
official Metaverse Architecture Biennale program
Open for everyone
The open-call is free to enter for individuals, groups and studios and requires only advanced 3D-modelling skills.
Media Partner
Supported by
Organized by
Creators driven platform which allows building unique spaces that can be designed to provide a variety of engagement mechanics.
Team of creative developers based in the Metaverse. Creators, developers, Decentraland influencers, owners of 300+ parcels, DAO active members, promoters and marketing pros.
Community of virtual architects and designers building the Metaverse, founded by experienced IRL architects. The studio designs bespoke projects, curates events, organizes contests and educates new creators.
Digital Marketing solutions, bridging the power of new technologies and the Metaverse, designed for enterprise sales, marketing, and HR.
Metaverse Architecture Biennale
Presence of the Future
Presence of the Future
Metaverse Architecture Biennale
Metaverse Architecture Biennale
Presence of the Future
Presence of the Future
Metaverse Architecture Biennale
Presence of the Future
Metaverse Architecture Biennale
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