Your Digital-Footprint is a virtual pavilion that reflects our cyberspace journey, subtly constructing an online self. We've moved beyond an exclusive physical identity; creating a memorable self for your future legacy is no longer confined to the physical world. In today’s era, every online minute contributes to shaping your digital self. No it doesn’t need face and no it doesn't require an avatar, it's preserved in every data fragment you leave behind in your online wake, right now, with each ticking second. Every scroll, every comment, every website visited, every accepted and even unaccepted cookie, whether public or incognito, you're consistently leaving a connected digital trace of You.
This pavilion reminds you that just because you don't perceive it doesn't mean there's no impact from your online deeds. An online version of You is evolving, currently hidden but destined to outlive you. Your daily physical self may fade, yet the digital version will be preserved indefinitely; it's the way you'll be recalled and revisited in the future as they will write your name. Be conscious, be compassionate.
We invite you to use the footprint-shell located in Decentraland as a portal for the complete digital-footprint pavilion located in w3rlds.
In W3lrds, your journey begins in the main lobby, beneath a shell canopy projecting a digital footprint pattern over you and the ground. As you progress along the ramp, your journey continues to the Public Footprint Pavilion. This pavilion mirrors your conscious online actions, whether sharing, browsing, or accepting cookies.
Grab your AR models, get the moneyshot screenshots, and transition through the main particle sphere to the next W3rld: The Incognito W3rld. Though you've gone incognito, true online anonymity doesn’t exist. Get your AR models, locate the moneyshots, and shift through the mega sphere to the final destination of your digital data: The Eternal W3rld.
Welcome to the Eternal W3rld, where your data will endure eternally without your presence. Here, you'll be stored for revisiting in the future, encompassing your public actions and 'incognito' ones. Discover the interactive thoughts stored in each data sphere, obtain your AR models, and capture your moneyshots.
Throughout your journey, there is a secret feature embedded within the game; this is a part of our Easter egg quest. There are four Moneyshot Sparks situated in each pavilion on W3rlds. These Sparks indicate designated spots for capturing the best screenshots of the pavilions. Locate all four, capture your screenshots, story them on IG, tag us using #mb23mc, and you will receive your own 3D POAP. Note that Number 4 isn't easy – best of luck. We'll see you there!